
1. Fear as the Root of Suffering: The primary cause of suffering is operating out of fear. All suffering on Earth, whether internal or external, always starts with fear. The only way to end physical and psychological suffering is to begin operating from a place of love—towards ourselves and others. Bringing about this transformation in you is the my chief hope on this website.

2. The Law of Reciprocity: What you do to another, you do to yourself. You can’t escape the consequences of your actions and pretend that hurting another will have no impact on you. As the saying goes, “what goes around, comes around,” and whatever intention we express eventually comes back to us.

3. The Power of Thoughts: Thoughts are things. Any expression of fear-based consciousness—judgment, hatred, resentment, anger, guilt, or any other manifestation—starts with a thought. To transcend fear-based consciousness, start by changing your thoughts. As Jung revealed, the collective unconscious is the one mind shared by all of us. Our individual thoughts affect the whole, and the world we see is the out-picturing of those collective thoughts. Therefore, change your thoughts, change the world.

4. The Need for Spiritual Solutions: A spiritual reality is desperately needed to solve our problems. I didn’t use the word ‘religious’ because, in my view, religion has not solved most of our problems and has often caused only more suffering. This doesn’t mean all religions are bad or that God doesn’t exist; rather, there is a deeper spiritual dimension within each of us that can provide solutions to our problems.

5. Acknowledging Evil: Evil is real. If you’re on this website, you have an open mind, and I encourage you to keep it that way. Some people enjoy making others suffer—this is the personification of the psychopathic, sociopathic, and narcissist personality disorders. One can’t study atrocities like the Holocaust or other mass genocides without acknowledging something deeply evil at work. I’ve spent a significant amount of time studying evil; it’s real, whether you believe it or not, and it’s time we acknowledge that fact.

6. Stepping Up as Spiritual People: It’s time for spiritual people to step up to the plate. Change won’t happen unless those willing to walk the walk do so on Earth. There’s a time to raise your consciousness and resolve internal psychological blocks, and then there’s a time to express yourself and be a light unto the world. Our main job isn’t to convince anyone; it’s to offer an alternative to the status quo. How you do that is up to you, and whether others listen isn’t your concern. But it’s time for us collectively to step up and swing for the fences.