Reading Time: 3 minutesMake no mistake – regardless of who wins the election in November, the hatred we’ve witnessed will persist long after Donald Trump is gone. He isn’t the cause, but he has amplified something deeply unsettling within the American psyche. We’ve uncovered a hidden nest of cockroaches, previously unseen. The question now is: how do we …
Category: Becoming More Mindful
Judge Not
Reading Time: 5 minutesI’m reminded today of the phrase from the New Testament: Judge not, that ye be not judged. Many of you also have a very difficult time applying this to your lives. If you are willing to stay with me to the end, maybe we can together understand the depth of his teaching and learn to …
Using Forgiveness To End War
Reading Time: 7 minutesWhen we look around, we see humanity in a state of constant conflict, struggle, and war. Collectively, we have come to believe that violence is necessary to solve our problems. Groups fight each other for land, resources, pride, or a false sense of righteousness that justifies violence. The desire to use violence to resolve conflicts …