Reading Time: 5 minutesFrom fanaticism to barbarism is only one step. – Denis Diderot Humanity is filled with instances of blind belief. It’s astonishing that while the physical world has transformed over the past thousand years, our psychological state remains largely unchanged. The fear of hellfire and damnation, nihilism, and anarchy underpins our very existence. On the outset, …
Author: VJ
The U.S. 2020 Election: Compassion for Donald Trump
Reading Time: 3 minutesMake no mistake – regardless of who wins the election in November, the hatred we’ve witnessed will persist long after Donald Trump is gone. He isn’t the cause, but he has amplified something deeply unsettling within the American psyche. We’ve uncovered a hidden nest of cockroaches, previously unseen. The question now is: how do we …
Leave The Web And Change The World
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe Web, in which I include not only the Internet, but all forms of popular media, including movies, music, the vast majority of the content on YouTube and TV, is created predominantly by the fear-based consciousness in mind. Not all content is thus created, but the vast majority is. This website, I would hope, would …
Judge Not
Reading Time: 5 minutesI’m reminded today of the phrase from the New Testament: Judge not, that ye be not judged. Many of you also have a very difficult time applying this to your lives. If you are willing to stay with me to the end, maybe we can together understand the depth of his teaching and learn to …
And In Yet A Few Days…
Reading Time: 2 minutesMany times, I have questioned the feasibility of my endeavor. I wonder: Is the human race ready for a total renunciation of fear? Is it ready for the new consciousness of fearlessness that I talk about? Will I even survive to see the fruits of my efforts? I’m not the first to ask these questions …
The Insubstantial Internet
Reading Time: 6 minutesIt is unfortunate that society often confuses information with intelligence. From a young age, we are taught that our opinions are inadequate and need reforming, whether by society, our parents, the educational system, or religious institutions. Our own voice and intelligence, which are built on common sense and critical thinking, and our innate curiosity that …
Using Forgiveness To End War
Reading Time: 7 minutesWhen we look around, we see humanity in a state of constant conflict, struggle, and war. Collectively, we have come to believe that violence is necessary to solve our problems. Groups fight each other for land, resources, pride, or a false sense of righteousness that justifies violence. The desire to use violence to resolve conflicts …
Silencing the Inner Critic
Reading Time: 6 minutesEveryone on Earth has an inner critic that constantly tells us we’re not good enough—whether it’s not being rich enough, beautiful enough, intelligent enough, or religious enough. No matter our accomplishments, this inner voice always moves the goal post further. It’s never satisfied and never feels like enough. Because we often listen to this nonsense, …